Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 best feeling

Im going to write about the 10 best feelings that I had in my entire life.

10. The light and relieving feel after a good toilet trip. Yes, simple as that. One of the best everyday moment.

9.Watching a good drama

8. The next 2 hrs after impulsive shopping ( After 2 hours, you will realize how painful your pocket is)

7. Sleeping in an air-conditioned room while it is raining heavily outside with no time limit


5. During dance practice

4. On a plane for a holiday ( Budget airline not included I think)

3.  Great results

2. Satisfaction after a good dinner/movie with the whole family

1. Spending time with Smelly

I wonder how many people enjoy the same things that I do. Actually going out beautiful makes me feel extremely good too but most of the time I'm too lazy to doll up unless I feel it's necessary to do so for the day. 

Goodnight people!

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